To ensure the continued existence of major symphony orchestras in North America through volunteerism.

The Volunteer Council for the National Symphony Orchestra was pleased to host the
The Power of Music Reimagined
June 2-5, 2022 I The Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

NSO Music Director, Gianandrea Noseda Photo credit: Scott Suchman

The Kennedy Center and its REACH facility were home to the Conference.

National Symphony Orchestra and Kennedy Center panel, moderated by NSO Director of Artistic Planning Nigel Boon.

Philadelphia delegates look forward to a jam-packed agenda of speakers and events.

Dr. Yeou-Cheng Ma, executive director of The Children's Orchestra Society; Gary Ginstling, NSO executive director; Gianandrea Noseda, NSO music director; Marena Gault, AMSOV president; Carmen Stull, conference chair.
Conference attendees decked out for the final night Gala.
For the full story and more photos of AMSOV's 2022 Conference, click here.