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Volunteerism is what AMSOV stands for.

Standing Ovation Awards recognize outstanding individuals who give their time to their volunteer organizations, in service to their cities' orchestras. 

Recipients are announced twice each year and are featured in AMSOV's eNews,.  All recipients will be formally recognized at the next biennial conference. Upcoming recipients will be presented with their pin, framed award certificate and a complimentary one-year membership to AMSOV. Our next biennial conference will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, from May 13-17, 2026.

Our most recent Standing Ovation Award recipient is Tracey Hawkins of Kansas City, Missouri, a longtime volunteer for the Kansas City Symphony Alliance, one of the volunteer organizations supporting our institutional member the Kansas City Symphony.  Tracey was given this award in recognition of her outstanding service as publicist and as a technology guru for our symphony volunteers.


The initial four recipients of this award, who were honored at the 44th Biennial AMSOV Conference in Kansas City, Missouri in April 2024,  were Andrea Alexander (Toronto), Heather Moore (Dallas), Isa Nelson (Seattle) and Cathy Trombetta (Pittsburg), pictured below.


The Standing Ovation Award is given to individuals only, not to organizations. The award is for personal volunteer service and not for monetary contributions. An individual is not excluded by being a donor, of course, but our focus is on volunteer service. Anyone receiving compensation for services cited in the nomination is ineligible.

The Standing Ovation Award program is administered by a committee in the city of the upcoming AMSOV conference. The committee will consider all submissions and forward its recommendations to the Board of Directors of AMSOV which will choose the recipients. The Board’s decisions are final. Current members of the AMSOV board are ineligible for nomination. Conference committee members and volunteers in the city of the upcoming conference are also ineligible until after the conference in that city has been held.​

One recipient may be chosen at each of AMSOV Board’s semi-annual meetings leading up to the biennial conference, for a total of four possible recipients to be recognized at the conference. However, the Standing Ovation committee is not obligated to recommend a recipients and the AMSOV Board is not required to select a recipient at each meeting.


These are the deadlines for submitting nominations for consideration at future AMSOV Board  meetings:






What to know about submitting a nomination:

Self-nominations are not allowed.


No person may receive more than one Standing Ovation Award.


A nominee who is not given the award remains eligible for future consideration but the submission does not carry over. A nominator wishing to resubmit the nomination should do so prior to the next deadline.


There is no limit to the number of submissions from any one city, although the award committee may take into account that volunteers from that city have already received Standing Ovation Awards.


Submissions must be made using AMSOV’s form. However, supporting documentation may be attached such as articles, post or blogs about the nominee’s volunteer work, letters of recommendation from orchestra staff members or fellow volunteers, and copies of documents pertaining to the nominee’s volunteer work.


The submission form requires two signatures:  1) that of the nominator, who must belong to an AMSOV member organization, and 2) the signature of either the president of the volunteer organization or, if there is no such organization, the president or CEO of the symphony orchestra for which the nominee volunteers.


Recipients are encouraged, but not required, to attend the conference and make a few short comments at the awards ceremony.


Submissions should be sent by postal mail service or digitally to:

Debra Walker

Toronto Symphony Orchestra

5 Old Sheppard Avenue #1506

Toronto Ontario M2J4K3



January 15, 2025

July 15, 2025

January 15, 2026

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